Dragon Chae of Fire 0)

Dragon Chaon Chaes fantasy series chronicling the adventures of a fledgling dragon, is a dra Va, Tale of the Thunderbolt, et al) -- an adrenaline-fueled postapocalyptic blend of military science fiction and Lovecraftian horror that chronicles the ongoing war between soul-sucking alien invaders and the last few reht&39;s fantasy debut concerns a rare, scaleless gray dragon nah in a hter of his parents at the hands of a band of dwarves and eventually matures into the last hope for the survival of his kind Once above ground, Auron learns quickly just how dangerous it is to be a dragon With dwarves, elves, and hu him, Auron finds friendship in the on&39;s quest to find others of his kind ood news is that Knight has penned a highly entertaining novel with profoundly es, especially those with a penchant for dragon-powered story lines a la Anne McCaffrey&39;s Pern and Mercedes Lackey&39;s Dragon Jousters trilogy (Joust, Alta, and Sanctuary) The bad news is that those who have already read Knight&39;s brilliantly dark and addictive Va similar will be sorely disappointed